When can visitors return to Assisted Livings?
Paradise Villa Assisted Living and Memory Care has a new updated visitation policy. The new federal guidance recommends that facilities allow some physical contact between residents and loved ones, such as hugging and holding hands, if the resident has been fully vaccinated and the visitor is masked. Visitors should remain at least 6 feet from other residents and staff.
Here at Paradise Villa, we want to support and encourage all of the residents with maintaining close contact and connection with their family and friends. We are here for you no matter what stage of life you are in, and surround you in the care, love and support you need to be your best, strongest and healthiest self. We welcome you to be a part of our family. Paradise Villa is an integral part of the lives of our senior residents, and we are grateful to share a part in your life journey.
Visitation Policy as of April, 2021:
Paradise Villa Rules and Guidelines for Visitations:
Visitation rules have been updated recently in Santa Cruz county and in the state of CA where Paradise Villa Assisted Living is located which allows a slight increase in the flexibility guidelines with visitation. In order for visitations to proceed the following current guidelines must be adhered:
In room visitation with no more than two different families at a time so you must call ahead and schedule your visit. Visitations are allowed to be occur in the resident’s rooms if there is proof of vaccination from intended party and /or a recent negative covid test (48-72 hours), otherwise visitation will occur in a centralized location. Please let us know if an outside visit is preferred. Six feet will be maintained, face masks and the visitor must always stay in the resident’s room. No roaming around the building.
A symptom check will be conducted upon entry of the building and a copy of recent covid test and vaccination card will be kept with the resident’s file.
Each visit inside the building will be up 30 minutes, but not to exceed two per visit to allow other families of other residents to come in and visit. Your visit on the outside due to ventilation can be 30 minutes
Brief physical contact is permitted only if the visiting party and resident has been fully vaccinated.
Face covering and handwashing are still recommended for all individuals regardless of vaccination status and/or covid clearance.
Essential visits will continue which include but are not limited to: end of life visits, nurse and doctor visits, social workers, and our conservators. Lawyers or individuals who are planning estates, CCLD, DSS, Ombudsman, and service contractors required to maintain facility operations and or vendors who are provide service to the maintenance of the building. Also, visits from social workers and visits from hospice and individuals who are finalizing affairs. Other visits will be on a case-to-case basis and will be at the discretion of the management and the ownership. Families are encouraged to call the administrator and let them know the nature and need for a visit.
Families can take residents on outings and short trips for non-essential services as long as preventive measures are taken and no exposure is suspected. If exposure is suspected please know we must them isolate for a short period of time.
If your family member is in a shared room, you will meet in a central location as to help with the privacy of the roommate.
Remember it is up to all of us to prevent and keep this virus at bay and with all your help we can meet the requirements of visits, but it will take all our cooperation and complete transparency and full discretion on all of our parts.
The visits for the day can be changed and modified based on a facility need and or other individuals providing essential services within the building as to maintain a level of capacity that is safe.
Visits will be scheduled between the hours of 9am -11 am and 1pm -4pm. Please contact the Administrator for special accommodations.
We are all in this together, and while these guidelines may seem restrictive, they are evolving and please know Paradise Villa will continue to reduce the restrictions as we are able. We appreciate your patience.